I think the stronger we get the more gentle we also get~Lisa Ojanpera

photo by Jeanne Marie/art by MichelleMarie

photo by Jeanne Marie/art by MichelleMarie


I would like to share  Lisa Ojanpera’s story of strength, determination, faith, and encouragement! If you do not already follow her blog I encourage you to. She encourages me with her humor, dogged determination to be the woman God created her to be.  This quote from her moved me, as does all her writing. I am moved to tears, laughter and that feeling of a kindred spirit that resonates with my inner Lioness. She epitomizes the spirit of PINK, to be transformed by the grace and mercy. I know you will be greatly encouraged by her story. 


I think the stronger we get the more gentle we also get~Lisa Ojanpera



Lisa in her own words shares about her near death experience:

My name is Lisa. I am a housewife and mother of four girls. The last pregnancy almost claimed my life. It ended in an emergency c-section and extensive nerve damage. I spent a year of my life learning to walk and talk again. My life was almost claimed again recently when a bad case of pneumonia turned into ARDS. This has drastically changed my outlook on life. My desire is to give out as much hope and encouragement as I can along this path of life that we all share.




44 thoughts on “I think the stronger we get the more gentle we also get~Lisa Ojanpera

  1. Wow. I’m overwhelmed and speechless. Big, big hugs! Thank you so very much for your love and encouragement, Michelle. I am humbled and honored! ♡♡♡♡♡ You are very beautiful and I love you so much!

  2. Reblogged this on Tell me about it and commented:
    thinkingpinkx2 would like to celebrate Lisa Ojanper’s as she fights to regain her life for her husband Johnny and their 4 sweet beautiful girls. I know you will be moved as I was by her determination to remain true to herself but to also be transformed as she walks so beautifully and literally by faith, grace and mercy. Please direct all likes, comments to her blog!

    • Thank you! I love your blog! I think JM has been by too! It’s hard to tell which one of us is on here. She usually is on late at night and some in the morning but well it’s hard to know really. We do sign JM and MM. So this is me MichelleMarie MM ❤

      • NO you would think so! I first met JM when I saw her book Women who think too much! I read her book and it was like she was reading my mind! Then she asked me to share my PINK art which I have a lot of and I did and here we are. PINKing up some PINK! Yay! Now you are PINKn too! 😀 Yay

      • yes of course you can ask whatever you like! Well I have a lot of PINK art! On my blog. Pink is my softer side and I express it in my art. JM said she really was drawn to it and asked if I would like to share my PINK art so I said sure! I was very humbled, and also in a rough place creatively. Long story but it’s all tired to my job and blah blah blah. Sorry I digress a lot! So JM created this blog and I come here to play with the pink stuff in my head! She is a writer. I have all of this stuff that just comes out when I blog! I’m getting ready to PINK something I don’t know what. I can tell I’m needing some pink though! LOL Have a super evening! I’m late getting back to you on this response. JM is traveling, she pops in to post and comment as well. 😀 ❤ PINk on!

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